Thursday, December 17, 2020

Every year, around this time, I wish it was 2008. I reminisce. Magic happened. Hasn't been the same since.  But Alas, a look into the future....


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

or maybe

I'm just being unappreciative...


On my old blog I used to use it as a diary, it used to help afterwards because it felt good to get it off of my chest, so im going to do that here, today. i havent written out my feelings in a long time so here we go...

i feel like everyone has someone but me. everyone is someones number 1 but me. if it came down to it and the world was coming to an end and all the people in my life got to pick one person to save, i wouldnt be picked. on some real shit...thats been a thought for a couple of weeks now. and its no ones fault, its not mine its not the people around me its just the way it is. i believe in myself but i also believe that if i wasnt here people wouldnt exactly miss me. i mean dont get me wrong i have a lot of wonderful people in my life that loves me, but no one loves me first. and not on any kind of suicidal thing because i know im going to be successful and that just means less people to worry about when i reach my success.  but wanting to be loved first is kind of a selfish way to put it but love is being selfish. its a harsh reality that ive faced with the loss of my mother, an absent father and family, and friends that have other agendas, once again nothings wrong with that, i had my own agendas as well im just sayin. people go through different things in their lives and im just another human being in this world. who really cares. 

Friday, August 19, 2011